Asia-Pacific Special Nutrients Sdn. Bhd. as the research and development arm, design and develops new diagnostic test kits, products and applications tailored for animal health. Our scientific research and development team is made up of qualified R&D scientists who come from various disciplines. We have chemists, veterinarians and other science professionals on staff who are passionate and dedicated in their pursuit of scientific excellence.
APSN’s business and management team guides and supports the scientific team in producing next-generation products and solutions that are able to meet the needs of the market. APSN has four areas of research and development: Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Chemistry and Serology. All four sections work closely with one another to design and develop new diagnostic test kits, products and applications tailored for your needs.
Molecular biology section consists of advanced technologies including thermocyclers, lightcyclers, gel documentation system, automated workstation as well as qualified molecular biologists and bioinformaticians. This section is responsible to develop biomarkers for various diseases of animal origin as well as foodborne pathogens, bacteria, viruses, genetically modified organisms (GMO) and others. Molecular biology section also collaborates with other companies and universities such as Merial Asia Pte. Ltd, Rhone Ma Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. and University Putra Malaysia (UPM), to study the phylogenetics of bacteria and viruses, develop new method to differentiate wild-type versus vaccine-type microbial strains (DIVA Assay), patented products and many more that have been published internationally.
Microbiology section consists of talented microbiologists and technologies such as automated system for bacterial identification, biohazard safety cabinet, freeze-dryer and various types of media for bacteria isolation and identification. Microbiology section also collaborates with Rhone Ma Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. and has developed a range of products such as CytoStain Plus, APSN Microcryobeads, rapid water quality assessment test kit, probiotics for animals and Malaysian Type Culture Collection (MTCC) that has a wide range of bacteria collection.
Chemistry section consists of advanced technologies such as high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS/MS) and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LCMS/MS) that is highly sensitive in mycotoxin analysis, antibiotic assays, chemical qualitative analysis and many more. Chemistry section also collaborates with Rhone Ma Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. to develop new products.
Serology section consists of microplate reader and automated liquid handling system. Immunologists in serology section is well-trained and qualified to carry out ELISA diagnostic tests for various diseases of animal origin, mycotoxin analysis and beta-agonist screening.